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Instructions are at the bottom of this page

Vegetarian Florentine Alfredo Lasagna

Price is PER PERSON (i.e., one meal.) 
Be sure to buy one meal for each person for whom you are paying.

MEMBER Vegetarian Florentine Alfredo Lasagna 2503

    At any time, you can navigate: ​
    1. ​use "<Prev | Next >" above at  the right to scroll to next meal offering; or 
    2. click "Member Reservations" (or "Non-Member Reservations") above image at left to see available meals
    3. click the Cart icon at the top of this page (just below your name) to see what's already in your cart. When you're ready you can proceed to Checkout from the Cart, or to make more meal selections you can click on the Reservations  menu item at the top of the page. 
    To make a meal selection: 
    1. update the quantity of the meal your are purchasing, 
    2. enter the names of every person, including yourself and your partner, and optionally others for whom your are buying that meal
    3. click the "Add to Cart" Button.

    After you've added a meal selection to your cart, the Mini Cart will appear on the right and you can either
    1. click "View Cart & Checkout" in the Mini Cart on the right and proceed to Checkout,
    2. or you can make more Meal Selection by following the navigation instructions above
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